How to Convince an Addict to Go to Rehab

Oftentimes, involuntarily committing someone into a treatment facility will help them realize the severity of their condition and motivate them to make a positive change. Our team of medical professionals offers a range of effective treatment services, such as medically-supervised detox, residential treatment, and therapies. Similarly, if the addiction of your loved one has led them to engage in criminal activity and you report it, they may receive court-ordered rehab. This sort of involuntary treatment is regarded as an alternative to imprisonment. Let your loved one know that the intervention is coming from a place of love. You want them to go to a treatment center so they can be healthy and happy again.

While an intervention can be effective, there’s also a reasonable chance that it’ll backfire. An intervention that’s done badly could actually push an addict further into addiction. An intervention can be a great way to convince someone to go to rehab.

How to Get Someone into Rehab: 7 Excuses to Plan on Answering

In order for rehab to work, you need to have a certain level of cooperation from the addict themselves. For some addicts, once certain issues are addressed, their desire to drink or use drugs will go down significantly. If you want to know how to convince someone to go to rehab, there are a lot of things you need to consider first.

  • Just because your loved one isn’t healthy doesn’t mean you can’t be.
  • How much you drink matters because drinking too much alcohol can be bad for your health and increase your….
  • Each of you will write an impact statement saying how your family member’s addiction has affected you, and you’ll read these out loud.
  • The idea of seeing a loved one enter an inpatient facility for drug or alcohol addiction can be scary, however, this is the best solution to combat your loved one’s addiction.
  • If your loved one is experiencing a substance abuse disorder and you want them to get into rehab, suggest they go to rehab.

However, if they say no, or become hostile when the idea is brought up, it may be time to hire a professional interventionist. Unfortunately, if they continue to go on without getting the help they need, it could seriously impact their physical and mental health; their relationships; and their future. The best thing you can do in the meantime is to try to support their well-being and ensure their basic needs are met. Beyond that, the next steps depend heavily on where you live. It’s important to research the specifics of this process in the State where you reside.

Understanding How Adventure Therapy Promotes Resilience and Trauma Recovery

Recovery from addiction does not end when you complete treatment. Lifelong recovery from addiction requires ongoing commitment and discovering new…. In situations such as these, trying to force your loved one to go to rehab may be your best option. If you have a loved one who won’t go to rehab, it’s important to take the right approach before exercising your right to have them committed against their wishes.

Approach the conversation without any anger and after doing a significant amount of research about addiction and evidence-based treatments. Talk to them about your worries regarding their health and the changes you’ve noticed. Ocean Hills Recovery can help people find the best treatment options for their loved ones.

Why is Individual Therapy Used During Addiction Treatment?

For example, if the person needing rehabilitation is under 18, then a parent or guardian could enroll them in rehabilitation against their will. However, Peace Valley Recovery only accepts clients over the age of consent. Encouraging a loved one to seek help can be complicated if they don’t fully comprehend the addiction’s severity. If this is the case, it’s essential to understand how to guide a family member, friend, or significant other toward getting help—even if they are resistant to the idea at first. After you’ve seen signs of addiction in your loved one, find out if they would like to go to rehab.

Ultimately, understanding how drugs and alcohol affect our brains is essential so that we can take measures against their misuse and provide the necessary help to those in need. With proper support, individuals struggling with addiction can recover and lead healthy and fulfilling lives. When it comes to seeking assistance for addiction or substance abuse, taking the first step can be difficult. Unfortunately, many individuals only look for help after their habit has already caused severe legal, physical, and personal difficulties in their lives. Long-term use of drugs and alcohol can also cause physical changes in the brain, including damage to areas that control stress, emotion, and decision-making. As a result, this can lead to increased aggression, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

In cases where theft or aggression occurs, they may need to offer love and encouragement from a distance. In Florida, the law used to commit someone to drug rehab involuntarily is called the Marchman Act. If your loved one continues to refuse to go to rehab and is a threat to themselves or others, they may need involuntary commitment. Furthermore, nearly a quarter of people with drug addiction problems admit they are not ready to stop. The following steps can help you figure out how to get someone into rehab, particularly if that individual is reluctant to the idea. It can be difficult, but in the end, this gives you the best chance of making them change their behavior and get into rehab.

  • As much as the addiction of your loved one has hurt you and as upset as you may be at this moment, it is important that you leave that out of the intervention.
  • Many times, people with substance abuse problems refuse to go to treatment.
  • If the judge decides this is necessary, your loved one will have to submit to a mental health evaluation within 48 hours.
  • When someone is in the grip of addiction, their clarity quickly withers away.
  • They understand that their addiction will ruin or even end their life.

This is because drug abuse triggers and situations that lure people into drug use vary widely. So, it’s important to know the different types of treatment available and choose the one best suited for your loved one. It can be challenging to help someone who is unwilling to accept help for their addiction. In these situations, it’s important to remain patient and supportive while offering resources that can help them seek treatment. One way to do this is by educating yourself about alcohol addiction, its signs and symptoms, and the impact it has on the person’s life. Somewhat related to involuntary rehab is the practice of staging interventions, popularized by the reality TV series Intervention.

What is the Process for Forcing Someone into Rehab?

You and your loved one will be responsible for only 10% of the cost of their treatment program. Addiction is one of the most destructive forces in the world. Before a person even realizes it, it can get out of their control. Convincing a loved one with a drug or alcohol addiction to go to treatment can be difficult, but it is possible. However, in each state, the person struggling with substance use disorder must be evaluated by a medical professional. This professional must certify in writing that substance abuse treatment is needed.

What do you tell someone who is in rehab?

I'm Proud of You

This is one of the most encouraging words for someone in rehab. This is because it shows that you recognize positive changes in your loved one in rehab. Consistently remind your loved one in rehab how proud of him or her you are. Doing so will show your loved one that he or she is of value.

If you were always wondering why they needed lump sums of money or what they were doing with it, the answer has become pretty clear. It’s difficult to determine exactly where your loved one resides. It makes a difference between being able to talk one-on-one with them and realizing that they are too far gone. If you can determine where they are in their addiction, it’s going to be beneficial.

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